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Waste in Our World

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me an example of a producer?
(varied) plants, grass, trees, leaves, roots, flowers
What is the definition of a decomposer?
Decomposers are living organisms that break down the remains of dead plants and animals to get energy.
What hazardous household waste symbol is this?
What hazardous household waste symbol is this?
What hazardous household waste symbol is this?
What hazardous household waste symbol is this?
Which of the following is an example of Natural Waste: paper bags, fallen branches, chocolate bar wrapper, paint
Fallen Branches
What is Natural Waste?
Natural waste is any waste caused by nature. For example, leaves, cut grass, branches, fallen apple
Which of the following materials are biodegradable? Bamboo Straws, Lay's Chips Bag, Rabbit Waste, Foam Food Containers
Bamboo Straws and Rabbit Waste
True or False: Earthworms are an example of decomposers and consumers
Materials that break down really slowly -- often over 100s and 1000s of years like plastic are called _____ materials. These materials are also man-made.
Materials that break down really quickly and come from ORGANIC and natural things are called ______ materials.
True or False: Food stained or soiled paper containers go in the recycling.
False, only clean and dry paper containers can go in the recycling
What is one advantage of having a landfill in a big city?
Its a place to safely store all your garbage.
True or False: Banana peels and eggshells go in the landfill.
False, they go in the compost
True or False: Large pieces of metal can be recycled at the recycling station.
True or False: You can throw car lead-batteries into the landfill.
What greenhouse gas is formed if waste in the landfill is not taken care of properly?
Also called garbage juice. This liquid is made when waste decomposes and often contains toxic chemicals that can contaminate groundwater and soil.
What is one advantage of composting?
produces rich fertilizer for the soil, reduces waste, helps the planet
What are the 4 main decomposers?
fungi, bacteria, insects and worms
In the food chain, which living organism is considered the consumer? fungi, grass, raccoon, owl
Which R describes the following example: choosing a wooden spoon in a restuarant instead of a plastic one
Which R is the last stage in the 5 Rs cycle?
Which R of the 5 Rs is the following definition for? Reusing a material for another purpose