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Passive voice quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Simpsons cartoon (show) for the first time in 1989.
was shown (true)
Queen Elizabeth II went to hospital in 1991 after she (bite) by one of her dogs.
was bitten (true)
More chocolate (eat) by Italians than any other nationality.
is eaten (false)
The Pyramids in Egypt (hide) under sand for 2,000 years.
were hidden (false)
Originally, Mickey Mouse (know) as Mortimer Mouse.
was known (true)
In some parts of Wales, sheep (ride) by local farmers for transport.
are ridden (false)
Macadamia nuts (not sell) in their shells because people can't break them.
are not sold (true)
Happy Birthday (sing) more than any other English song.
is sung (true)
The Mona Lisa (steal) in 1911 and lost for two years.
was stolen (true)
In Sweden, coffee (drink) by children on their birthday.
is drunk (false)
The first photo (take) by the Chinese in the early 1700s.
was taken (false)
The giant panda (find) only in two countries - China and Burma.
is found (false-China only)
Potatoes (not grow) in Europe until 1536.
weren't grown (true)
Necessary (spell) incorrectly more than any other word in English.
is spelt (false)
In 2006, a whale (see) swimming up the River Thames in London.
was seen (true)
The Statue of Liberty (give) to the United States by Great Britain in 1886.
was given (false)
Coca-Cola (make) with colouring so it's not green.
is made (true)