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Unit 2. Describing animals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the Amazon rainforest?
In South America
Where are grasslands?
In Australia and Africa
Animals and people use these to eat.
What is the name of this part of an animal?
Where do fish and crocodiles live?
a river
the sea
polar regions
This part of birds is like their arms.
A cheetah has _____________ on it's fur.
What animal lives in the Amazon rainforest, is from the cat family, eats meat, and runs fast?
A jaguar
What animal lives in the grasslands of Australia and looks like a dog?
A dingo
What animal lives on the savannah, has a long face and horns?
A hartebeest
What fish lives in the Amazon rainforest and eats other fish?
A piranha
What animal lives on the savannah, is medium sized, eats meat, and has a short tail?
A hyena
How do lions move?
They run
How do fish move?
They swim
How do kangaroos move?
They hop
How do birds move?
They fly
What is the name of an animal's nails?
What is the name for a birds nose and mouth?
What is the name for hair on an animal's boby