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Extraordinary Holidays - Reading Rocks T1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did they talk about their adventure to someone else?
No. They kept it to themselves.
How did they get to scape from the Queen?
By thinking of where they wanted to go and touching the painting.
What was Lydia doing when Paul found her in the garden?
She was painting the flowers.
What were they celebrating with the tea party?
Mad Hatter unbirthday.
Who did Paul find in the tea party?
The Mad Hatter, a mouse and a rabbit.
Paul ate a big mushroom. Did he get bigger or smaller?
He grew.
What was Lydia favorite movie when she was little?
Alice in Wonderland
Lydia became ________________'s prisioner, and she was found in his ship.
Captain Hook
When they went to meet the lost boys, someone went missing. Who was missing?
Which famous character did they find first?
Peter Pan
Paul got hypnotised by someone singing. Who were they?
The Mermaids
What colour was the book they got in?
Where's Aunt Barbie from?