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Living things

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Some animals ___________ their young.
Sweat is an excretion of human body. True or False
Name the seven life process of living thing
1. Movement 2. Respiration 3. Sense 4. Growth 5. Reproduce 6. Excretion 7. Nutrition
Arrange the life cycle of Butterfly - (chrysallis - egg - caterpillar - butterfly)
egg - caterpillar - chrysallis - butterfly
Arrange the different stages of life cycle of frog - ( froglet - frog spawn - tadpole - frog )
frog spawn - tadpole - froglet - frog
Plants use ______________ from the air to make sugar.
carbon dioxide
Plants relaease _________ as a waste product.
Animal food comes from ______ and other _______.
plants, animals
An _________ is fully grown living thing.
The process of Plants making it's own food is known as ___________
Animals make their own food. True or False
Which of the following is the beginning of a plant's lifecycle? a. A young plants develops, b.A seed, c. A seed begins to grow, d. The Young plant becomes a fully grown plant
b. A seed
A paper kite can fly and move around in the air. Is it alive?
No, it's not alive
Livng things need food to obtain ________
When my body is well and strong, Iam ________
The scientific word for breathing is ______________.
Livng things cannot excrete