Edit Game
unit 2: grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time (you/ leave) _____________ tomorrow?
are you leaving
We .... (go) to an concert tonight. It starts at 7:30
are going
Gina: What (you, get) ____________? Ted: I (buy) _________ some milk, some bread, and some coffee.
what are you going to get?/ am going to buy
Mark:What are you doing with those scissors? Beth: I (cut)_______ that picture of the ocean out of the travel magazine.
am going to cut
As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) ________ down to the beach and go swimming.
are going to walk
What terrible traffic! Just look at the long queue. We .............. miss our flight.
are going to
We .... (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?
are having
I (meet) ____________ her at the station at 4:30pm
am meeting
What (you/ do)_________ on Saturday evening?
are you doing
He (go) _________ to the dentist on Tuesday morning.
is going
She has planned everything for the picnic at weekend. She ___________(buy) some snacks to eat for lunch.
is going to buy
According to the weather forecast, it ……………… (not/ snow) tomorrow.
isn't going to snow
A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?” B: “Thank you but I ……………… (take) the bus.”
will take
Because of the train strike, the meeting ……………… (not/ take) place at 9 o'clock.
will not be/ won't be
I'm afraid I……………… (not/ be) able to come tomorrow.
will not be/ won't be
I completely forget about this. Give me a moment, I...........do it now.