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Geography and Native Americans Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do historians learn about the past?
examining primary sources
What type of homes were built by the Iroquois in the Northeast Woodlands?
What type of homes were built by the Cheyennes in the Great Plains?
What type of homes were built by the Inuit in the Arctic?
Why did the Native Americans in different regions develop different cultures?
different environments, climates, natural resources
What were the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations like?
advanced, achievements in architecture, math, astronomy, engineering, writing, farming
Why did the first people to arrive in the Americas migrate south into South America?
warmer climate, no glaciers
Why do most scientists think the first people came to the Americas?
to hunt large mammals
How do most scientists believe the first people got to the Americas?
land bridge
Where do most scientists believe the first people to reach the Americas came from?
What is corroboration?
other sources that provide a similar account
How do historians decide if a source is reliable?
consider author's perspective and purpose
What is an example of a secondary source?
encyclopedia, textbook, documentary
What is an example of a primary source?
diary, letter, speech, photograph, historical document
Proximity to what impacts climate?
What is culture?
the shared way of life of a group of people
What is history?
an account of the past
What is longitude?
describes distance east or west of the Prime Meridian
What is latitude?
describes distance north or south of the Equator
What is a large stream of fresh water that flows into a larger body of water?
What is a large body of fresh water surrounded by land?
What is a large natural elevation that rises sharply above the surrounding land?
What is dry, often sandy land, with little vegetation?
What is a large area of flat land with few trees?
What is the low area of land between mountains?
What is a secondary source?
later interpretation of an event by someone who was not there
What is the imaginary line that lies at 0 degrees longitude?
Prime Meridian
What is the imaginary line that lies a 0 degrees latitude?
What part of a map shows what the symbols on the map mean?
What part of a map shows distance on the map?
What part of a map shows direction on the map?
compass rose
What part of a map tells what the map is about?
What is a primary source?
first-person account of an event created by someone who was there
What is an artifact?
object left behind by early people
How do archaeologists learn about early people?
studying artifacts