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The city

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is the ball from?
It's their ball
Who is the bag from?
It's their bag
Who is the torch from?
It's her torch
Who is the notebook from?
It's his notebook
Who is the watch from?
It's her watch
He has got a watch, it's...
It's his watch.
I have got a a book. It's...
It's my book.
Is he going to the town hall?
No, he isn't
Is she going to the hospital?
Yes, she is
Is she going to the train station?
No, she isn't.
Is he going to the bank?
Yes, he is
Where is he going?
He is going to the post office
Where is she going?
She is going to the hotel
Where is he going?
He is going to the school
A book where you can find all words and their meaning
An object where you can grow plants
A pot
A place where you can see actors and actresses acting in live
A place where you can go to play with your friends after the school.
A park
A place where you save your money
A place where you can go to buy food, drinks, cleaning products...
A place where you can eat
What is this?
A train station
What is this?
A museum.
What is this?
A hospital
What's this?
A petrol station