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Kingdoms 4th grade

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is fertilisation on plants?
When the pollen joins an ovule to make a seed
In sexual reproduction on plants, pollen goes from....
the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another or the same flower
Write a simple food chain
Producer, consumer, decomposer
Write what a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore animals eat
Other animals, plants and both
Viviparous animals born form....and oviparous born from...
mothers and eggs
Animals need oxygen, some breathe through.....and others through....
lungs and gills
Vertebrate animals always have a...
Insects have 3 body parts:
Head, thorax and abdomen
Insects belongs to the......group
Which one have hard skin or spikes for protection?
The echinoderms
Which one have a soft body called umbrella and tentacles?
The jellyfish
The biggest group of animals are the....
Fungi are similiar to plants because....
they can´t move around
Fungi kingdoms is made by...
mushrooms, mould and yeast
Plants can move around, True or false?
Characteristics of the animal kingdom
They can move around and they eat other living things
In this unit we will study 3 kingdoms. Which one?
Animals, plants and fungi