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EOC Practice #4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What person changed the role of the First Lady and became a symbol for social progress and women's activism?
Eleanor Roosevelt
Before America got involved in WWII, how did we help the Allies?
Lend-Lease Program
What was the name of the operation, led by Eisenhower, that the Allies took to move the Germans out of France during WWII?
Who coined the term "Iron Curtain" to refer to the contrast in governments between Eastern and Western Europe?
Winston Churchill
Name two documents that helped rebuild Europe after WWII to help prevent Communism from spreading?
Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
What Supreme Court case made "separate but equal" constitutional?
Plessy v. Ferguson
Which Supreme Court case made segregation unconstitutional?
Brown v. Board of Education
What is the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion in 1973?
Roe v. Wade
What happened in Berlin in 1989?
The Berlin Wall was knocked down
What happened in the 2000 Presidential Election?
Ballots had to be recounted; Supreme Court made a decision
What was the basis of Reaganomics?
Reduce taxes and have less government interference
What do A. Philip Randolph, Medgar Evers, James Meredith, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Rosa Parks and MLK, Jr. have in common?
They were all leaders of the Civil Rights Movement
Why were Americans troops sent to Afghanistan and Iraq?
To find Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
What legislation was signed by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965?
Voting Rights Act
What legislation was signed by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964?
Civil Rights Act
The peace agreement between Israel and Egypt that Jimmy Carter organized.
Camp David Accords
Why did Pres. Richard Nixon resign from the White House?
Watergate Scandal
Who helped created Earth Day and the Environmental Protection Agency by writing "Silent Spring".
Rachel Carson
What happened at Kent State and Jackson State in the 1970's?
Students were killed while protesting against the Vietnam War.
A time period when black people created a new identity for themselves with music and literaturein New York City
Harlem Renaissance
How did the radio change society?
united the country
What was the 18th Amendment and what negative effect did it have?
prohibition; increased crime
This war ended in a stalemate and the country was divided at the 38th parallel.
Korean War
The idea that once a country was brought down by Communism, the countries around it would fall also.
Domino Theory
McCarthyism was named for Joe McCarthy when he went too far in trying to expose people for being
A period of time when the Soviet Union had missiles in Cuba pointed towards the U.S.
Russian Missle Crisis
A failed attack on Cuba by Pres. Kennedy to try and take down Fidel Castro
Bay of Pigs
Writing/reporting using sensationalism and exaggeration
Yellow Journalism
What policy allowed for U.S. intervention in the Americas to protect the Monroe Doctrine?
The Roosevelt Corollary
What was the plan for peace written by the U.S. President after WWI?
The League of Nations / Fourteen Points
Who wrote the 14 Points?
Woodrow Wilson
What was the secret project to make the atomic bomb?
Manhattan Project