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Creating compound sentences using simple sentenc ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He studies. He won't pass the test.
He won't pass the test unless he studies
UNLESS: She won't eat. You cook her favorite meal.
She won't eat unless you cook her favorite meal
The baby cries. You pick her up.
The baby cries until you pick her up
IF: You can borrow the car. You promise to be careful.
You can borrow the car if you promise to be careful
WHILE: He works late. I go to bed.
I go to bed while he works late.
The sun sets. We finish the hike. (BEFORE or UNTIL?)
We finish the hike before the sun sets
She will wait. You come back.
She will wait until you come back.
WHEN: They will play outside. It stops raining.
They will play outside when it stops raining
He won't leave. You apologize.
He won't leave unless you apologize
WHILE: She practiced the piano. The guests arrived.
She practiced the piano while the guests arrived.
UNLESS: You study hard. You may not pass the exam.
You may not pass the exam unless you study hard
UNTIL: The cake is in the oven. The timer goes off.
The cake is in the oven until the timer goes off.
I will go to the store. You call me.
I will go to the store if you call me.
She finished her homework. She watched TV.
She finished her homework before she watched TV.