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YLP11 23-10-20 Maths and Science

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If there are 4 elephants, six penguins, three horses and two chickens on a farm, how many legs are there?
What word do we use to describe something that goes around and around the planet? We say it is in O___?
If we kick a football, does the football have potential or kinetic energy?
What do we call the energy that is stored in rubber bands?
Elastic potential energy.
What type of energy would you have if you were standing on top of a mountain? (two words which describe two types of energy)
Gravitational Potential energy
If a battery is being used to power a speaker, does it have potential energy or kinetic energy?
Name two types of energy that headphones use.
Electrical and sound
Where does the earth get most of its heat energy from?
The sun
Apart from electrical energy, what type of energy does a camera use to take a photo
Light energy
What type of energy does a mobile phone need to work?
Name two types of energy the sun gives us.
Heat and light
Food to feed the goats costs 700 Riel per packet. If 4 boys and 6 girls each bought two bags each, how much was spent altogether?
There are some cows in a field. 16 more come into the field. I can now see 67. How many were there to start with?
School starts at 8am and finishes at 11.30. The children have two breaks which are 30 minutes each. How many minutes do they study?
Two and a half hours
T. Wayne lives 2km from school. How far does he travel to and from school each week?
Lengmeng has three times more money than Phaukea. Phaukea has double the amount of money than Sereyleap. Sereyleap has $4. How much does Lengmeng have?
Marady buys two bars of chocolate which are $3 each. He then buys a bottle of water for $1 and two rice for $2.50 each. He pays with a $10 and a $5. How much change?
Ratanak is paid $3 an hour to wash his dads car. It takes him one and a half hours. How much will he get paid?
Sakgna has $15. She keeps $9 and shares the rest between Sereyvat, Souing and Panhapich. How much do Soing and Panhapich have together?