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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fine, I ________ open the door for you.
will open
Don't shout at me! I just can't decide! Fine! I think I ___________ (take) this burger
will take
I think he ______ (not / be) the next President of the United States.
won't be
Please come with us. Emily (be / happy) to see you!
will be
Look! They __________ (wash) the car.
are going to wash
I think people ______ (not / wear) fur coats in 2040.
I _______ (not / give) him my keys. I've already decided.
am not going to give
Oh no! It ________ (fall)
is going to fall
In the year 2040 people ______ (drive) electric cars.
will drive
Look at the sky! It _______ (not / rain) soon.
is not going to rain
Tom wants to lose 5 kg. He ..................... ( follow) a healthy diet in the next months.
is going to follow
The neighbours aren't home but I think they ................... (be) back soon.
will be
It ................... (take) us two hours to get there.
will take
Jerry is putting some sunscreen on now. He ............................. (sunbathe).
is going to sunbathe
Perhaps my best friend and I .................... (live) together one day.
will live
The floor is wet and Clark is ____________ (fall) down.
is going to fall
I think our team .................... (win) the match.
will win
My little sister believes she .................... (become) famous.
will become
She looks very tired. She ............................. (fall) asleep.
is going to fall