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The Invasive species

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What is one way people can help prevent the spread of invasive species?
by properly disposing of plants and animals from aquariums.
Complete the sentence: Invasive species can outcompete native species by.
by reproducing rapidly and taking up resources, often leading to a disruption in the balance of the ecosystem.
What is one way people can help prevent the spread of invasive species?
Which invasive species is known for causing significant damage on a global scale?
European Rabbit
What are some human activities that contribute to the spread of invasive species?
Construction activities can disturb soil and vegetation
What is the primary impact of invasive species on native biodiversity?
Decreased biodiversity
What is the primary reason why some invasive species are intentionally introduced to new environments?
Pest control
What are some ecological impacts of invasive species on local ecosystems?
Disease Introduction, Changes in Nutrient Cycling, and Erosion and Soil Degradation
Name three invasive species in your region?
Water Hyacinth, Red Palm Weevil, Tamarisk
what are the invasive species???
Invasive species are animals or plants from another region of the world that don't belong in their new environment.