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Cause and Effect 7
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The nurse gave the baby a shot...
1) The baby was happy and playful. 2) The baby began to cry. 3) The baby fell asleep.
It snowed all night, so the children..
1) Could build a sand castle. 2) Could build a snowman. 3) Were very hot.
Sebastian practiced with his musical instrument all week, so...
1) He got a good grade in Music class. 2) He got a good grade in Science class. 3) He got a good grade in English class.
Alessa's car broke down, so...
1) She arrived to school on time. 2) She was late to school. 3) She was wearing her school uniform.
It was raining and Christopher forgot his umbrella...
1) He got all wet! 2) He was dry. 3) He went to play with his friends.
Ruben stayed up all night reading...
1) He was ready for school very early. 2) He was very tired the next morning. 3) He took the bus to school.