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COMPARATIVES 5th grade medium

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Comedies / action movies / funny
Comedies are FUNNIER than action movies.
Diamonds / sweets / expensive
Diamonds are MORE EXPENSIVE THAN diaries.
Books / computers / cheap
Books are CHEAPER THAN computers.
An Opel / a Mercedes / bad
An Opel is WORSE THAN a Mercedes.
A Mercedes / an Opel / good
A Mercedes is better than an Opel.
Doing sport / watching TV / good
Doing sport is BETTER THAN watching TV.
The Sun is ____________(FAR) from the Earth than the Moon.
The Sun is FURTHER from the Earth than the Moon.
A salad / candy / healthy
A salad is HEALTHIER THAN candy.
Chocolate / tomatoes/ sweet
Chocolate is SWEETER than tomatoes.
Cats / dogs / intelligent
Cats are MORE INTELLIGENT than dogs.
Hannah / Henry / tidy
Hannah is TIDIER than Henry.
Sarah / Lucy / talkative
Sarah is MORE TALKATIVE than Lucy.
Violet / Henry / confident
Violet is MORE CONFIDENT than Henry.
Arts / maths / interesting
Art is MORE INTERESTING than maths.
Maths / PE / difficult
Maths are MORE DIFFICULT than PE.
Mark / Rob / lazy
Mark is LAZIER than Rob.
Henry / Sally / quiet
Henry is QUIETER THAN Sally.
Berlin / Barcelona / big
Berlin is BIGGER than Barcelona.