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Passive Voice - Christmas

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Provide a sentence related to Christmas with Passive Voice
Families enjoy traditional Christmas meals.
Traditional Christmas meals are enjoyed by families.
Children discover their Christmas presents under the tree.
Children's Christmas presents are discovered under the tree by them.
Children write letters to Santa Claus.
Letters to Santa Claus are written by children.
The smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies fills the air.
The air is filled with the smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies.
Families decorate their homes with twinkling lights and festive ornaments.
Homes are decorated by families with twinkling lights and festive ornaments.
Parents wrap gifts with colorful wrapping paper and festive ribbons.
Gifts are wrapped by parents with colorful wrapping paper and festive ribbons.
Children eagerly open their Christmas presents on Christmas morning.
Christmas presents are eagerly opened by Children on Christmas morning.
Carolers sing traditional Christmas songs outside homes.
Traditional Christmas songs are sung by carolers outside homes.
Families gather together to enjoy a festive Christmas dinner.
A festive Christmas dinner is enjoyed by families that gather together.
Santa Claus delivers presents to children all over the world.
Presents to children are delivered by Santa Claus all over the world.
The baker carefully bakes delicious gingerbread cookies for Christmas.
Delicious gingerbread cookies are baked for Christmas.
The children decorate the Christmas tree with colorful ornaments.
The Christmas tree is decorated with colorful ornaments by the children