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What is a predator
an animal that eats an animal
What is prey
an animal that is hunted by another
Hawks have sharp claws to help them catch and kill their prey.
Structural Adaptation
Thick fur on a polar bear to keep it warm.
Rabbits have large ears so they can hear and avoid danger.
Structrual Adaptation
Chipmunks collect and store food so they can find it in winter.
Behavioral Adaptation
Birds migrate in winter to get food all year.
Behavioral Adaptation
What type of teeth would a Herbivore have?
Flat Teeth
What type of teeth would a Carnivore have?
Sharp Teeth
This bird has a special structure to help it capture prey
What adaptation does this lizard have?
Which adaptation helps animals live in water?
When an organism copies another organism to help it survive
Something an organism DOES to help it survive
Behavioral Adaptation
An adaptation of an animals BODY either internal or external
Structural Adaptation
When animals sleep throughout the winter months
When animals are able to blend in with their environment
When animals move from one place to another