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to speak out of turn a) to say something properly b)to say something inappropriate/tactless c) to say something in a soft manner
to beat around the bush a) to talk around a bush b) to talk about bushes c)to avoid addressing the most important matter
to speak/talk in riddles a) to talk in a clearly manner b)to talk in a confusing/ambiguous manner c) to talk in a foolish manner
“you can/should talk!” a)a saying used to express to someone that you think they are being hypocritical b)a saying used to express someone can talk c)a saying used to express to someone that you think they are being good at talking
to talk something over/through a) to discuss something and have an argument b)to discuss something thoroughly and perhaps come to a resolution c) to discuss throught a wall
to talk the talk and walk the walk a) to match your actions to your words b)to talk a lot c)to not match your actions to your words
to talk something up a) to talk in a secretly manner b)to talk seeing the sky c) to promote something
to talk someone through something a)to help someone complete a task by instructing them at every step/ to help someone get through a difficult situation b) to talk someone through a window c) to help someone to talk
to shoot the breeze a) to chat in a hurried manner b) to chat about the breezec)to chat in an unhurried manner
to dish it out a) to be a dish b)to be critical c)to be food
to flap your lips a)to talk a lot and in an indiscreet manner b)to talk a lot in a discreet manner c) to talk a lot about lips
a) b
to flap your lips a)to talk a lot and in an indiscreet manner b)to talk a lot in a discreet manner c) to talk a lot about lips
a) b
to chew the fat/rag a)to talk about fast food b)to chat fast because you are busy c)to chat/catch up in an unhurried manner
to talk in circles a) to talk and walk in circles b) to talk about circles c) to talk in an indirect manner
to talk someone’s ear off a) to talk to someone at length (usually to the point of entertaining them b)to talk to someone at length (usually to the point of annoying them) c)to talk to someone at lenght (usually to the point of boring them)
to talk sense into a)to persuade someone to behave more reasonably b) to persuade someone to behave in a silly way c) to persuade someone to do what you want
to talk through your hat a) to talk in a eloquent way b) to talk in a fluent way c)to talk in a foolish/ignorant way
to talk until you’re blue in the face a) to put all your effort into persuading someone about something but to no avail b) to talk a lot without breathing c) to put all your effort into someone to do something that you want
to talk shop a) to talk to a sales clerk b) to talk about a shop c) to talk about work
like talking to a brick wall a)talking to an unresponsive/unsympathetic/unpersuadable person b) talking to someone who is to the other side of a wall c)talking to someone who cares
to cut to the chase a) to speak a lot without saying anything b)to directly address the most important matter c)to cut the talk and stop talking
the gift of gab a)the gift of being able to speak with eloquence b)the gift of being able to speak nonsense c)the gift of being able to speak with rhymes
an armchair critic a) someone who criticizes you to make you feel bad b)someone who offers advice in a given situation without proving that they could cope any better the situation c)someone who advases you because they have been there
spit it out! a)a saying used to express someone doesn't want to talk b) a saying used to urge someone to get to the point/confess something quickly c) a saying used to push someone to stay quiet
a little bird(y) told me a)told by a secret informant b) a bird sends my message c)my birds actually told me