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Foundations chapter 7

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which type of ligh prompts the skin to produce beneficial vitamin D?
ultraviolet light
infrared light
fluorescent light
galvanic light
which of the following is TRUE of ultraviolet light?
it is invisible
it has a long wavelength
it slows chemical reactions
it is hot light
which percentage of natural sunlight is visible, making up the visible spectrum of light?
how does energy move through space?
in waves
by physical force
which of the following is TRUE of fluorescent light?
it is cooler than natural sunlight
it is warmer than natural sunlight
it is a yellow gold light
it is a type of incandescent light
which of the following types of energy is most likely associated with nulear power plants?
gamma rays
radio waves
a condition that prohibits certain treatments is called a _____.
which of the following is Tesla high-frequency current used for?
improving germicidal action
slowing blood circulation
decreasing elimination and absorption
decreasing skin metabolism
for which of the following would microcurrent be MOST useful?
reducing redness and inflamation
decreasing muscle tone
slowing healing
removing the natural protective barrier of the skin
which of the following reactions can be expected when using anaphoresis?
stimulation of nerves
closing of pores
decrease in blood supply
hardening of tissues
which of the following is TRUE of galvanic current?
it has a positive and negative pole
it is ab indirect current
it is a broken inconsistent current
it does not produce a chemical change
Which of the following is TRUE of the poles of an electric current?
they are either positive or negative
they are either left or right
they are either direct or alternating
they are either conductive or nonconductive
which of the following should you do if you receive a light shock while using an electrical appliance?
unplug the appliance from the wall
continue using with caution
attempt to repair it immediately
give the appliance a short break before using again
which of the following is an example of an electrical safety device that you may encounter when working in a salon, spa or barbershop?
circuit breaker
alternating current
What is TRUE of wire that is not large enough to carry the electrical current passing through it?
it will overheat
it will not power the device
it will electrocute the user
it will save energy
which of the following measures the resistance of electrical current?
an ohm
an ampere
a volt
a watt
Which of the following is a good example of an insulator?
tap water
Which of the following is an example of a conductor?
tap water
Why is copper used in electrical wiring and electrical motors?
it is a good conductor
Which of the following types of effects does electricity exhibit?
magnetic, thermal, chemical
magnetic and chemical
magnetic and thermal
Electricity use impacts ______ of the services that beauty professionals offer their clients.
Which of the following is TRUE of electricity and the beauty and wellness industry?
advanced machines require knowledge of electrical theory
most beauty pros wont interact with electricity directly
most equipment beauty pros deal with are very dangerous
electricity used in the industry is limited to clippers