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G4T2-M2 U4-When do you have class?

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(C-E) 是时候上课了。
It's time for class. / It's time to have class.
It's ________. It's time ___________. (9点半了。是时候读本书了。)
half past nine; to read a book
a quarter to nine; to read book
a quarter past nine; for read a book
half past nine; for reading book
___________sports. (是时候做运动了。)
It's time for
It's time to
It's time
It time for
It's time ___________. (是时候画画了。)
to draw pictures
to play sports
to use numbers
to sing songs
__________ sleep. (是时候睡觉了。)
It's time to
It's for
It's time
It's to
It's time _________.(是时候吃晚饭了。)
for dinner
to dinner
for breakfast
to eat lunch
(C-E) 通常在7点45分,你吃早餐吗?
Do you usually have breakfast at a quarter to eight in the morning?
(C-E) 上学的日子,从早上9点到11点,你做什么?
What do you do from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock in the morning on school days?
(C-E) 晚上8点,我通常和我的狗狗在我们家附近玩耍。
At eight o'clock in the evening, I usually play with my dog near our home.
(C-E) 我明白了!我懂了!
I see.
(C-E) 非常谢谢你!
Thank you very much!
(C-E) 你通常从下午5点半到6点做作业吗?
Do you usually do your homework from half past five to six o'clock?
(C-E) 你通常几点钟吃早餐?
When do you usually have breakfast? / What time do you usually have breakfast?
What time do you usually get up on school days? (请按实际情况回答)
I usually get up at _______ on school days.
(C-E) 我通常在早上7点到7点半锻炼身体。(Hint:take exercise)
I usually take exercise from seven o'clock to half past seven in the morning.
Do you _____________ ? (你晚上看电视吗?)
watch TV in the evening
watching TV in the morning
watch TV in the afternoon
to watch TV in the evening
I have classes ______ 8:30 _____ 4:30. (我从8点半上课到4点半。)
from... to...
to... from...
_______ do you have lunch? (你几点吃午餐?)
(C-E) 你什么时候上课?
When do you have class?