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Earth's Systems
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The lithosphere is made up of the...
crust and upper mantle
the rocky outer portion of Earth is referred to as the...
What is this?
greenhouse effect
What are some affects of acid rain?
it kills plants, fish and decreases nutrients in soil
What is most of the water in the hydrosphere?
salt water
If a giant meteor hit the Earth, how would this affect the atmosphere?
dust particles would block the sunlight making the Earth cooler
From which spheres are these energy sources derived?
atmosphere and hydrosphere
What are some side effects of burning fossil fuels?
animal and plants survival at risk, increase in greenhouse gases, increase in atmosphere temperature
What is atmosphere
the system that includes the gases surrounding the Earth
What is geosphere?
the system that includes rocks, minerals, and landforms of the surface and interior
What is hydrosphere?
The system that includes all the water on Earth
What is biosphere
The system that includes all living things (animals, plants and bacteria)