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Art in Mesopotamia

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How does Mesopotamian art pieces depict rulers?
They make them seem very strong and powerful, almost like gods
The wings on the Lamassu represented ________
What did the human head on the Lamassu symbolize
List one potential use of a stele
Gravestone, marking territory/boundaries, battle memorial
What are 2 characteristics of palaces in Mesopotamia?
Several rooms, large gates, surrounded by walls
There are many many sculptures of this ruler of Lagash
King Gudea
Define a vault
A roof in the form of an arch or many arches
What is the artistic method of raising shapes above a flat surface (usually stone), making them look three dimensional.
List some characteristics of a Ziggurat (what is it, what does it look like, materials)
A large temple of rectangular structure with several layers of different sizes; connected human beings to the gods; materials= adobe and bricks
_______ ceramics are ceramics with a shiny decorative surface
What do we call a narrow strip of decoration, often a relief, on the wall of a building.
What is adobe?
A mix of earth and straw made into bricks and dried in the sun