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Future arrangements

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He _________ a scientist when he leaves university. This is his plan.
is going to become
is becoming
_____ a car! They've accepted my offer today.
I'm getting
I'm going to get
I get
I have got
What _____ this weekend?
are you doing
will you do
This week/ we/ going/ spend/ holiday/ in Sam Son/
This week we are going to spend the holiday in Sam Son.
This week we are spending the holiday in Sam Son.
This week we going to spend the holiday in Sam Son.
This week we will spend the holiday in Sam Son.
We are ______ our trip to Ha Giang City. We haven't decided when, though
going to start
going to
going to starting
Look! It is cloudy. It is _________.
going to rain
going rain
going to raining
We __________ spend most of the summer in Sapa with my friends.
are going to
are going
is going to
is going
We ___________ hiking this weekend.
aren't going
don't go
aren't go
am not going
Have you decided yet? ______ you ________ your grandparents today?
are - going to visit
are - visit
are - visiting
do - visit
We ________ a Maths lesson tomorrow morning.
are having
are going to have
am having
Future (Arrangement)
Present Continuous
Present Simple
Present Perfect
Going to + inf.