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Year 1 Earths Resources

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 2 natural resources do you need everyday.
Air, Water, Sun, Food
Name one thing that would happen if we had no oil
Name one thing that would happen if we had no animals.
What natural resource do toys come from?
What natural resource gives us glass?
What natural resource gives us books?
What natural resource gives us electricity?
Coal, Sun, Wind
Name a non-renewable resource.
Name a renewable resource.
Resources can be renewable and non-renewable. Can you explain what that means?
Renewable means we can make more without using it all up. Non-renewable means there is a limited amount of the resource. We can't grow or get more.
Explain EVAPORATION in the water cycle
When the sun heats up water, it turns into water vapour (a gas) and forms clouds
What does PRECIPITATION mean in the water cycle?
Rain, Snow, Hail, Sleet
What are natural resources?
They are things God has made for us to use. They help us stay alive.
Name 2 Natural Resources
Water, Sunlight, Air, Soil, Rocks, Minerals, Living Things