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Comparatives & Superlatives (as...as)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The village is _________ (far) than the city.
farther / further
Melon is ___________ (bad) food to ever exist.
the worst
I don't know how it gets ________ (good) than this.
I don't think you are __________ (interested) in the movie as I am.
as interested
My computer is ____________ my phone.
as slow as
slower that
more slow
I love you ______________ I love my pet.
as much as
much more
more much
as more as
Dua Lipa is _______________ Ariana Grande.
as successful as
more successful
the most successful
The Barbie movie became __________ (rich) movie from Warner Bros.
the richest
the most rich
more rich
Billie's concert was ______________ Harry's one.
as good as
more good
the best
The News are __________ (boring) programme on the TV.
the most boring
the boringest
more boring
as boring as
Basketball is __________ (good) sport in the world.
the best
the goodest
the better
Romeo and Juliet is _________ (dramatic) than the Titanic.
more dramatic
the most dramatic
as dramatic as
Call of Duty has become ________ (popular) game in Mexico.
the most popular
the popularest
more popular
Soccer is ___________ (entertaining) than baseball.
more entertaining
the most entertaining
the entertaininger
Friends is _________ (funny) than How I Met Your Mother.
more fun
the most fun
the funniest
The last concert I went to was __________ (crowded) than the last one.
more crowded
the crowdedest
the most crowded