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Foundations Chapter 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you NOT do at tge end of your employee evaluation?
keep your self evaluation to yourself
thank your manager for the guidence
than your manager for the feedback
thank your manager for taking the time to do the evaluation
which of the following should you NOT do at your employee evaluation?
approach your manager cautiously and shyly
ask when you can take more services
ask when your pay scale might be increased
ask when you might be considered for a promotion
Which of the following is NOT something beauty professionals should do as they interact and communicate with coworkers
be willing to share their private life
remain neutral
avoid gossip
treat everyone with respect
______ is the first step in making meaningful on the job communication a reality
behaving in a professional manner
which of the following would be the LEAST appropriate response to a client who starts gossiping?
quietly join in the gossip
give a quick tip for treatment and home care
start talking about the styling your doing
change the subject
if clients are more than _____ late, they should be asked to reschedule.
15 min
when should you try to upsell services?
when working with a new client you are not familiar with
What is reflective listening?
listening to a client then repeating in your own words
What is the FIRST step in the 10 step consultation method?
review the intake form
Which of the following is NOT true of the service record card?
Its intended for the clients use
it is updated with each client visit
its completed by the beauty pro performing the service
its the clients progress record of services received
Not crossing your arms when listening to a client/ team member is an example of what?
Being aware of your body language
Why is it important to take your temperature as part of effectively communicating in the workplace?
if your tired/upset your interactions could be effected
When you ____, you trust your judgment, uphold your values, and stick to what you believe is right.
believe in yourself
take your temperature
talk less listen more
are attentive
Beauty professionals should study and have a thorough understanding of communicating for success for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
good communication skills lead to more conflict
they foster a positive team enviroment
it can help beauty pros improve retail sales
expressing ideas helps to advance your career