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Apple Lifecycle

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hoiw many apples does it take to make one gallon of cider? A) 10, B) 5 C0 36) D) 50
C) 36
Why are apples so good for you?
Because they have a lot of fibers that cancel out much sugar
What is more healthier A) Apples B) Bananas.
What is the last stage of apple LC?
Apple stage stage 5
How many kinds of apples there are?
more than 2500
Apples contain 25% of A) water, B) air C) carbohydrates D) seeds
What is the average height of the full-grown apple?
average of 20 feet
What is the 4th stage of the apple LC?
What is the 3rd stage of the apple lifecycle?
What is the 2nd stage of the Apple LC?
Which climate is the best for apple trees (A) hot dry, B)cold dry, or C) mild and wet
C) mild and wet
How many years does it take for the tree to produce fruit?
What is the 1st stage of Apple Lifecycle?