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A2 Reading Comprehension

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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22. An Oscar means
one of the awards given every year for the best film, best actress, best actor, etc. in the film industry
21. to nominate means
to suggest someone for an award
20. to star means
to be the most important actor in a film, play, etc.
19. An advertisement means
a poster, picture, short film or song, etc. that helps to sell a product
18. A model means
a person whose job is to wear clothes, shoes, hairstyles, etc. for fashions shows and photographs
17. An award means
a prize given to someone for something they have done
16. A celebrity means
a famous person
15. An actress means
a woman who plays the part of a character in a film or play
14. What are her two brothers called? Karen / Ben / Gary / Blaine
Her two brothers are called Ben and Blaine
13. What does Jennifer do in her free time? play hockey / painting / surfing / play the guitar
She plays the guitar, she paints and she surfs.
12. What jobs has she done? actress / model / fashion designer / waitress
actress and model
11. What cities has she lived in? London / Los Angeles / Miami / New York
She has lived in New York and Los Angeles.
10. What films has Jennifer Lawrence starred in? Titanic / Transformers / Winter’s Bone / The Hunger Games
She has starred in The Hunger games and Winter's Bone.
9. What sports did Jennifer play at school? basketball / surfing / hockey / tennis
She played hockey and basketball.
8. Jennifer's family supported her dreams to be an actress. TRUE or FALSE
7. She likes playing the piano. TRUE or FALSE
6. Jennifer was nominated for an Oscar in 2010. TRUE or FALSE
5. Jennifer has done some modelling. TRUE or FALSE
4. Jennifer took acting classes at school. TRUE or FALSE
3. She has two brothers. TRUE or FALSE
2. Jennifer was born in July. TRUE or FALSE
1. Jennifer is American. TRUE or FALSE