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CL2 - Midterm Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say if the sentence is correct or not. Justify your answer: "Did you ever go to São Paulo"
It's not correct. When we talk about life experience we use the present perfect "have you ever been to"
Say if the sentence is correct or not. Justify your answer "I have been to London yesterday"
It's not correct, we don't use 'yesterday' with the present perfect
Make a sentence in the present perfect
I have + verb (past participle)
Make a sentence in the present perfect
I have + verb (past participle)
Tell us 2 past habits of yours
I used to...
Answer the question using the correct structure: "What would you do If you had super powers?"
I would...
Tell us 2 past habits of yours
I used to...
Make a sentence using the words: able to - win - competition - yesterday
I was able to win the competition yesterday
Make a sentence with the words: weather forecast
Make a sentence with the words: climate change
Choose the best option: Tina (has / didn't) never read the Harry Potter books
Choose the best option: When I was a kid, I (used to eat / have eaten) salad.
used to
Choose the best option: Maria (is / has been) studying Spanish for 5 years now.
has been
Choose the best option: I wish my friends ( treated / treat ) boyfriend well
Express a wish using the word: wish - can (in the past) - live
I wish I could live with my grandmother
Choose the best option: Where would you go if you (can / could) travel to anywhere in the world?
Make a sentence using the second conditional with the words: be (in the past) - rich -would - travel
If I were rich, I would...
Answer the question using the second conditional:"What would you do If you could fly?"
"If I could fly I would..."
Answer the question using the second conditional:"What would you do If you were the president of your country"
"If I were the president of my country I would..."