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Americans Indians Study Guide

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Which tribe lived in shelters called “chickees?”
Which American Indian group made clothing from forest plant materials, animal hides, and fur to stay warm and dry?
Northwest Indians
Americans who lived in TEMPORARY shelters usually met their need for food by hunting or farming?
American Indians who lived in PERMANENT shelters usually met their needs for food by hunting or farming?
Which American Indian tribe lived in Pueblo housing?
Which American Indian groups lived in permanent villages?
Northeast and Southeast
Which Indian group lived a nomadic lifestyle and moved a lot for food?
Plains Indians
Natural resources had the largest impact on Native American survival. (True or False)
What natural resource had the biggest influence on where permanent villages were built and why?
Rivers had the biggest influence because they needed it for water and farming.
The Artic tribes lived in ____________.
Which Indian group uses adobe clay to make homes in sides of cliffs and why did they use clay?
Southwest Indians; There was no wood available.
Why did the Northeast Native Americans make canoes? (What did they use the canoes for?)
They used them to travel and fish for food.
Which Indian group made shelters elevated off the ground with open sides to stay cool and dry?
Southeast Indians
The plains Indians made tepee homes so that they could do what?
move and follow the buffalos
Which Indian group made tepee homes from animal hides?
Plains Indians
Which Native American group made canoes from trees?
Indians that made their clothing from seal skins, caribou hides, and polar bear fur are called _____.
Artic Indians