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Mistake at PET lesson 9 & 10

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A) I'm not having blue eyes. B) I don't have blue eyes.
B) I don't have blue eyes.
A) My mother is looking tired. B) my mother looks tired.
A)This soup is tasting really nice. B) This soup tastes really nice.
B) This soup tastes really nice.
A) I'm thinking about buying a car. B) I think about buying a car.
A) I'm thinking about buying a car.
a) I'm not needing anything, thank you. B) I don't need anything, thank you.
B) I don't need anything, thank you.
A) How are you feeling? B) How do you feel?
A) what is this word meaning? B) What does this word mean?
B) What does this word mean?
a)I'm liking to get up early B) I like to get up early
b) I like to get up early
Alex bought a mobile phone. It ____ very much.
didn't cost
I left my camera at home, so I_____ any photos.
didn't take
My uncle ___(study) in New York and then worked there.
My friends ___ ( buy) me a new car.
I___(stay) in a hostel when I first arrived here.
This is a present my father____ (bring) me from Rome,
My aunt ___(live) in Toronto for many years.
I___ (cut) my leg when I slipped,
Did you undersatnd what she ____(say)?
I don't know how the lamp ____ (fall) down.