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a large number of people walking or in vehicles, all going in the same direction, usually as part of a public celebration of something: Crowd/Lantern/Parade
A large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place: Stall/Parade/Fair
a thin book or piece of paper giving information about a play or musical or sports event: Crowd/Program/Costume
a light inside a container that has a handle for holding it or hanging it up, or the container itself: Decoration/Lantern/Atmosphere
a large vehicle with a flat surface that is decorated and used in festivals: Float/Festival/Fireworks
small containers filled with explosive chemicals that make a loud noise when they explode and sometimes produce bright, colored patterns: Fireworks/Decoration/Stall
An outside event where you can ride on large machines for pleasure and play games to win prizes: Parade/Float/Fair
The activity of making something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it, or something that you use to do this: Program/Lantern/Decoration
A group of friends or a group of people with similar interests: Ceremony/Crowd/Parade
A set of clothes worn in order to look like someone or something else, especially for a party or as part of an entertainment: Costume/Parade/Stall
A set of acts, often traditional or religious, performed at a formal occasion esp. to recognize an important event, or the performing of such acts: Costume/Ceremony/Fireworks
a feeling that a place has of being pleasant and interesting or exciting: Ceremony/Decoration/Atmosphere