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Cupressaceae & Pinaceae

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Family, species, common name, fascicles or clusters, pegs, #needles/fascicle, and cone description?
Pinaceae, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Douglas fir, N/A, pegs, N/A, mousetail bracts
Family, species, common name, fascicles or clusters, pegs, #needles/fascicle, and cone description?
Pinaceae, Pinus contorta, Lodgepole pine, yes, N/A, 2, small cones
Family, species, common name, fascicles or clusters, pegs, #needles/fascicle, and cone description?
Pinaceae, Pinus jeffreyi, Jeffrey Pine, yes, N/A, 3, cones with recurved acute umbo
Family, species, common name, fascicles or clusters, pegs, #needles/fascicle, and cone description?
Pinaceae, Pinus lambertiana, Sugar Pine, yes, N/A, 5, huge pendant cones
Family, genus, common name, fascicles or clusters, pegs, #needles/fascicle, and cone description?
Pinaceae, Picea, Spruce, N/A, pegs, N/A, papery cones
Family, genus, common name, fascicles or clusters, pegs, #needles/fascicle, and cone description?
Pinaceae, Cedrus, Cedar, Clusters, N/A, N/A, erect cones with deciduous bracts
Family, genus, common name, fascicles or clusters, pegs, #needles/fascicle, and cone description?
Pinaceae, Abies, fir, N/A, N/A, N/A, erect/fragrant cones with deciduous bracts
Pinaceae characteristics?
Presence of pegs, fascicles, clusters, and apophysis with umbo on ovuliferous scales
Common name, branching, leaf type, stomata. and seed cone of Sequoiadendron giganteum
Giant Sequoia, 3D sprays, awl-like leaves, no stomatal bloom, egg shaped cones (larger than redwood cones)
Common name, branching, leaf type, stomata. and seed cone of Sequoia sempervirens
Redwood, 2D needles/ 3D awl, alternate needles or awls, 2-lengthwise stomatal bands, spheric/woody/small cones
Common name, branching, leaf type, stomata. and seed cone of Thuja plicata
Western Red Cedar (False cedar), uptorn tips of branch/flat 2D clusters, opposite/2-rank/appressed/scale-like leaves, papillous bloom, woody/oblong/erect cones
Common name, branching, leaf type, stomata. and seed cone of Juniperus
Juniper, 3D 4-rank whorled spray with peeling bark, opposite/mostly scale-like/ awl-like leaves, no stomatal bloom, berry-like/glaucous cones
Common name, branching, leaf type, stomata. and seed cone of Hesperocyparis
Western Cyprus, 3D 4-rank whorled spray, opposite/scale-like/appressed leaves, no stomatal bloom, woody/spherical/cylindrical cones with wedge shaped scales
Common name, branching, leaf type, stomata. and seed cone of Calocedrus decurrens
Incense cedar (false cedar), 4-ranked leaves in flat spray, opposite/scale-like/appressed leaves, no stomatal bloom, pendant/woody/oblong/3-part cones
Family, species, and characteristics?
Cupressaceae, Thuja plicata, scale-like leaves, flat sprays, papillon leaf margin, stomatal bloom on young branches, rosebud-like cones
Family, species, and characteristics?
Cupressaceae, Calocedrus decurrens, scale-like leaves, flat sprays, goblet shaped leaf margin, and 3-part cones
Family, genus, and characteristics?
Cupressaceae, Juniperus, scale-like leaves, 3D sprays, seed cone blue/waxy/berry-like, dioecious
Family, genus, and characteristics?
Cupressaceae, Hesperocyparis, scale-like leaves, non-flattened branching, cone brown/woody seed, monoecious
Family, Species, and characteristics?
Cupressaceae, Sequoiadendron giganteum, awl-like leaves, egg cone
Family, Species, and characteristics?
Cupressaceae, Sequoia sempervirens, decurrent needles, flat spray, bands of stomatal bloom, woody cones, and monecious