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Accidents and injuries

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Losing balance and falling due to an obstacle or uneven surface: Fall off/Trip over/Slip
Trip over
to cause an injury to a joint (= a place where two bones are connected) by a sudden movement: Sprain/Bruise/Break
To slide without intending to: Slip/Trip over/Fall off
To cut or damage a surface or your skin slightly with or on something sharp or rough: Slip/Sprain/Scratch
To move your hand or an object onto the surface of something so that it touches it, usually with force: Cut/Bruise/Hit
The act of someone has experienced the pain or discomfort caused by a sting: Fall off/Get stung/Get bitten
Get stung
The act of someone has experienced a bite: Get bitten/Break/Get stung
Get bitten
The act of dropping or descending from a higher position: Scratch/Hit/Fall off
Fall off
An incision made with a sharp object, such as a knife or scalpel: Cut/Get bitten/Get stung
An injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something: Bruise/Scratch/Slip
To be hurt, damaged, or destroyed by fire or extreme heat, or to cause this to happen: Cut/Bruise/Burn
fracture or separation: Get bitten/Break/Hit