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Architecture 2 - Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mention 2 examples of Sustainable Construction.
Name 3 new styles of architecture.
What is Post-Modernism in architecture?
What style is this building?
Brutalist? International?
What are the characteristics of Classical Architecture?
Why is Storyboarding important?
It's used to attract clients or convince.
Name 3 Symbols used in Blueline Prints.
Window, Door, Material, etc.
In Blueline Prints, what is a dashed, straight line?
a Phantom Line
In Blueline Prints, what means a "Break line"?
It is used to shorten dimensions.
What is Isometric Drawning?
A representation that shows a building from top to bottom.
Mention 3 types of models
Name 3 drafting tools
Name 3 elements you can see in this picture
Mention 3 advantages of prefabrication in architecture.
According to your book; What are the 4 steps in Construction Process?
Paperwork, Principal Construction, Installation and Finishing, Inspection.
What is materiality?
The analysis of materials for a construction
Mention 3 things to consider when planning a Site construction.
Climate, Serial vision, adjacent buildings, etc.
What's the difference between Site Analysis and Site Survey?
Site Survey is only quantitative, Site Analysis is complete.
What is a Site Analysis?
A detailed study of a construction's site.