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Algebra & Sequences Revision

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A school charges £5 for tickets to a show. The school raises £x in total from ticket sales. Write an expression for the total number of tickets sold by the school.
£x / £5
Isaac is x years old. Marie is twice as old as Isaac. Write an expression for Marie's age.
2x years old
A child ticket to see a show costs £x. An adult ticket costs £5 more than a child ticket. Write an expression for the cost of one adult ticket and two child tickets.
3x + 5 (£)
Expand & Simplify: (x + 3)(x + 2)
x² + 5x + 6
Factorise fully 18a²bc + 30abc²
6abc (3a + 5c)
Expand n(5n + 1)
5n² + n
Expand and Simplify 4(g + 5) + 3(g – 2)
7g + 14
Factorise 4t + 20
4(t + 5)
Factorise fully 12m + 8m²
4m(3 +2m)
The first five terms of a sequence are: 25, 22, 19, 16, 13. Find an expression in terms of n for the nth term of this sequence.
-3n + 28
The first five terms of a sequence are: -3, 1, 5, 9, 13. Find an expression in terms of n for the nth term of this sequence.
4n - 7
The first five terms of a Fibonacci sequence are: 2, 3, 5, 8. What are the next two terms in the sequence?
13, 21
If p = 2, find the value of p³ - 2p²
Solve: 2x² = 50
x = 5
Find the value of 3m² + 5 when m = 5
How many games does Calum have?
20 games.
Solve: 7x + 3 = x + 33
x = 5
Find the perimeter of the rectangle.
This triangle has a perimeter of 31cm. Find x.
x = 6cm
This rectangle has a perimeter of 24cm. Find x.
x = 5cm