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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Elles vont faire du shopping.
They are going to do some shopping.
Je vais passer du temps avec mes amis.
I'm going to spend time with my friends./hangout
Elle va laver l'auto.
She is going to wash the car.
Elle va manger un hotdog.
She is going to eat a hotdog.
Il a mange la pizza.
He ate pizza.
Je vas manger le chocolat.
I'm going to eat chocolate.
Vous allez a la bibliotheque.
You are going to the library.
to go
Je vais texter mon ami.
I'm going to text my friend.
You are going. (one peson)
Tu vas.
M. Rooney va aller a Costco.
Mr. Rooney is going to Costco.
Les filles vont chez McDo.
The girls are going to McDonald's.
Les garcons vont chez Bubba's.
The boys are going to Bubba's
J'ai regarde un film.
I watched a movie.
I went to Kingston.
Je suis alle a Kingston.
J'ai jouer au football.
I played football.
I'm going .
Je vais.
You guys are going.
Vous allez.
She is going.
Elle va.
Ils vont.
They go. They are going. (M)
Nous allons.
We go or we are going.
Il va parler avec Mr. Waller.
He's going to talk to Mr. Waller.
Tu vas danser avec Taylor Swift.
You are going to dance with Taylor Swift.
We are going to watch tv.
Nous allons regarder la tele.
Je vais jouer au soccer.
i'm going to play soccer.