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Comparative (adjectives and adverbs)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She greeted me most __________ (polite) of all.
She greeted me most politely of all.
He had an accident last year. Now, he drives_________ (careful)than before.
He had an accident last year. Now, he drives more carefully than before.
She likes to listen to _____ (loud) music than her parents.
She likes to listen to louder music than her parents.
In my opinion, a scooter is ______ (good) than a bike.
I my opinion, a scooter is better than a bike.
The rich eat better than the poor. The poor don't eat ____________________ the rich.
The poor don't eat as well as the rich.
My father usually runs more quickly than I do. I can't _____________ my father.
I can't run as quickly as my farther.
Traffic at 8.30 / bad / the traffic at 9.30.
Traffic at 8.30 is worse than the traffic at 9.30.
Claire works/ hard/ Sally
Claire works harder than Sally.
Sandwiches / expensive / the drinks.
Sandwiches are more expensive than the drinks.
Spain / hot/ France.
Spain is hotter than France.
It was too much traffic this morning, so I drove _____________ (slowly) yesterday.
It was too much traffic this morning, so I drove more slowly than yesterday.
People walk ___________(quickly) in the past.
People walk more quickly than in the past.
Mr. Covid alwasy drives ______________ (carefully) Mr. Corona.
Mr. Covid alwasy drives more carefully than Mr. Corona.
I thought Tom Teav was _______(bad) Kolap Pailin.
I thought Tom Teav was worse than Kolap Pailin.
I'm not lazy- I just work ________(slowly) you.
I'm not lazy- I just work slowly than you.
My new job is _______________ (boring) my old one.
My new job is more boring than my old one.
Angkor Tiger played __________(good) Liverpool. *-*
Angkor Tiger played better than Liverpool. *-*
Cambodia is _____________(far) from China ________ Vietnam.
Cambodia is further from China than Vietnam.
I'm _______( busy) this week __________ last week.
I'm busier this week than last week.
My sister is taller me. I _______________ my sister.
I am not as tall as my sister.