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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say in English "Es fundamental que estemos comprometidos con el medio ambiente"
It is paramount/pivotal that we BE committed to the environment
Use the subjunctive to say: "Es de suma iportancia que estemos coprometidos con el medio ambiente"
It is of the utmost/uttermost importance that we be committed to the environment
How can you level up the adjective "important" when using the Subjunctive?
1_It is of the utmost/uttermost importance; 2_It is paramount/pivotal
Which adjectives are used in the Subjunctive Mode?
advisable, important, crucial,desirable, necessary, preferable, vital...
Which verbs are used in the Subjunctive Mode?
Be, recommend, demand, request, advise, insist, propose, urge...
Say: "El gobierno insta a la gente a usar la mascarilla"
The government urges people that mask BE used
How do you say in English? "Es vital que se haga cumplir la ley"
It is vital that the law BE enforced
Sayin English: "Recomiendo que las cosas se hagan con cuidado"
I recommend that things BE done carefully
Translate: It is important that it BE kept a secret
Es importante que se mantenga el secreto
Say an example with the subjunctive/passive form with the verb TO BE
They demanded that things BE done carefully
When is there a clear subjunctive grammar structure in English?
When we use the verb TO BE in the subjunctive/passive form
Translate: Te sugiero que vengas mañana
I suggest that you come tomorrow
Say: Te recomiendo que vengas mañana
I recommend that you come tomorrow
Say in English "Quizas vengas mañana"
You might come tomorrow
How would you say "Puede que vengas mañana"?
You might come tomorrow.
How would you translate "Ojala vengas mañana" in English?
I wish you would come tomorrow.
Does the Subjunctive in English express the same as in Spanish?
Yes, it does: Probability, Desire, Hypothetical situations, Recommendations, Requests, Suggestions, Some structures with certain adjectives...
Does Subjunctive Mode exist in the English language?
Yes, it does. Native speakers use it less and less, though.