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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can pressure be reduced?
By increasing the surface area
Camels have large flat feet .Why?
If you try to push a pin with pointed end,it will pierce through easily.Why?
smaller the area ,higher the pressure
why should food never be heated in a sealed can?
pressure of gas is increased as the gas molecules move about quickly in different directions -the heat gives the molecules more kinetic energy -there are more
what does pressure in a liquid increase with?
depth and density
what do vehicle brakes use?
why does a sharp knife cut more easily than a blunt knife?
it has a smaller area of contact when it is used rather than a blunt knife so the pressure of the knife is much greater than the pressure of the blunt knife of
Do liquids and gases also exert pressure?
Does water pressure increase or decrease the deeper you go?
Will air pressure be high on top of the mountain or on the beach?
SI Unit of Pressure
Pressure is defined as .....................over a given area.