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Derek's Wildebeest and Habitat Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fix the sentence: predators / include / Wildebeest / lions, crocodiles and other meat eaters. /
Wildebeest predators include lions, crocodiles and other meat eaters.
Fix the sentence: travel / survive. / Wildebeest/ to
Wildebeest travel to survive.
What is the name for a group of wildebeest?
A herd.
How many babies to the wildebeest have in the migration? (1 million / 500,000 / 250,000?)
Which two countries do the wildebeest migrate between?
Kenya and Tanzania.
The wildebeest are looking for... (their homework / A T.V. to watch Demon Slayer / watering holes).
Watering holes to drink from.
This is known as the ... (great run / great migration/ great drink hunt).
The great migration.
Which habitat is this and what animals could you see here?
This is the rainforest/forest. You might find snakes, monkeys, giant centipedes and piranhas there
What animal is this? And in which habitat would you find animals like it?
This is a shark (the megalodon shark is extinct). You would find animals like them in the ocean.
Which habitat is this? And what animals can you find here?
This is the desert. You can find camels, snakes, scorpions and other animals here.