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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a group of termites called?
Why are locusts so dangerous?
Eat all vegetation, leave nothing for other animals or people
How long can locusts stay in hibernation?
Almost 20 years
Which insect has the longest lifespan on earth?
Queen Termite
Which termite is the most important in the whole colony?
The queen
what are young locusts called? Why?
Hoppers because they can't fly yet
What is a group of locusts called?
Swarm or plague
What are male elephants called?
What are male zebras called?
Which type of grass has large, fluffy flowers?
pampa grass
Which type of grass has razor sharp edges?
elephant grass
Which tree has a distinct smell?
Which continent are most eucalyptus trees from?
Antelope have sharp _________ that they use for protection
How fast can a giraffe run?
56 km/h
What is the meaning of ruminant?
animal with stomach divided into 4 parts
Approximately how much water can a baobab tree hold?
100,000 liters
Zebras stripes are thought to help with what 2 things?
Thermoregulation, repelling flies and camoflauge
Zebras are ungulates which means....
They have hooves
Wildebeests are one type of ______________
Fix the sentence: predators / include / Wildebeest / lions, crocodiles and other meat eaters. /
Wildebeest predators include lions, crocodiles and other meat eaters.
What does the word migrate mean?
When animals move between locations regularly to find food/water
What do giraffe like to eat?
The leaves of the acacia tree
What is the tallest land animal on earth?
What is the largest land animal on earth?
African Elephant
What is the elephant's nose called?
Elephants long teeth are called ____________.
What body par do elephants use to keep them cool?
What do elephants eat?
Leaves, fruit, and grass
What animal is this?
an ostrich
What animal is this?
a hippo
What animal is this?
a giraffe
What animal is this?
a crocodile
What continent is this?
South America
What continent is this?
What are these?
What are the two seasons in the savanna?
The dry season and the wet season.
What tree is this?
It's an acacia tree.
What tree is this?
It's a baobab tree.
Where is the biggest savanna?
In Africa