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How can a minority language be maintained?
A language can be maintained and preserved, when it's highly valued as an important symbol of ethnic identity for the minority group. 2) If families from a
Factors contributing to language shift:
Economic, social and political factor
What is language shift?
Language shift, also known as language transfer or language replacement or language assimilation, is the process whereby a speech community shifts to a differen
What is African American Vernacular English?
AAVE is part of the Vernacular English group Black Americans use for informal and casual conversations.
A well-known English vernacular is
African American Vernacular English
Which language is often deemed ‘incorrect’ or ‘low-prestige’ and associated with being under-educated
Vernacular language
Which one is a common feature of African American Vernacular English (AAVE)? A. Adding Extra Auxiliary Verbs B. Friquent contractions E.G. You All- Ya’ll
Friquent contractions E.G. You All- Ya’ll
examples of English being used as a lingua franca:
business, aviation, science, internet and technology
Who found found that the amount of variation present in ELF depends on how localised its use is.
who believe there is a right and a wrong way to speak a language
How lomh English has been usedas a ligua Franca?
since 16 th century
Which language is the chosen shared language spoken between individuals with different first languages
Lingua Franca