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Thanksgiving Present Perfect Practice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My friends and I (celebrate) Friendsgiving (for / since) 8 years.
have celebrated / since
Balloons (fly) in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade (for / since) almost 100 years.
have flown / for
Americans (play) football on Thanksgiving (for / since) 1876.
have played / since
My roommate and I (be) preparing Thanksgiving dinner (for / since) Monday.
have been preparing / since
I (go shopping) on Black Friday (for / since) I was little.
have gone shopping / since
The President (pardon) a turkey every year (for / since) 1989.
has pardoned / since
We (eat) leftovers from Thanksgiving (for / since) a week.
have eaten / for
I (make) mac and cheese (for / since) four Thanksgiving dinners.
have made / for
My Dad (cook) the turkey (for / since) 4 hours.
has cooked / for
Butterball (have) a turkey hotline (for / since) nearly 40 years.
has had / for
The song "Jingle Bells" (not be) a Thanksgiving song (for / since) 1859.
has not been / since
My family (prepare) their turkey (for / since) hours.
has prepared / for
Thanksgiving (fall) on the second to last Thursday of November (for / since) 1939.
has fallen / since
Snoopy (be) a balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade (for / since) 1968.
has been / since
People (run) in the Turkey Trot (for / since) the 1890s.
have run / since
The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade (happen) every year (for / since) 1924.
has happened / since
My brother (cook) the stuffing (for / since) the last 5 years.
has cooked / for
My mother (not make) stuffing (for / since) 5 years.
has not made / for
Thanksgiving (be) celebrated (for / since) over 400 years.
has been / for
Pumpkin pie (be) my sister's favorite dish (for/ since) a long time.
has been / for
I (celebrate) Thanksgiving (for / since) 23 years.
have celebrated / for
Americans (celebrate) Thanksgiving (for/since) the first Thanksgiving in 1621.
have celebrated / since
The Lions (play) football every Thanksgiving (for/since) 1934.
have played / since
I (eat) turkey on Thanksgiving (for/since) I was little.
have eaten turkey / since