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Common Everyday English Phrases

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We’ve been working for five hours and everyone's tired. I say __________ and go home" A) Let's call it a day. B) Let's talk about the elephant in the room. C) I'm not so sure about that.
A) Let's call it a day.
Not having a car is ____________. I get a lot more exercise now. A) A penny for your thoughts. B) An elephant in the room. C) A blessing in disguise.
C) A blessing in disguise.
For several minutes they sat in silence; finally, she said, "__________." A) I´m not so sure about that. B) A penny for your thoughts. C) That makes sense.
B) A penny for your thoughts.
____________ computers, so you'll have to explain this to me really slowly. What's an attachment again? A) I don't know the first thing about B) I couldn't care less. C) I'm not so sure about that.
A) I don't know the first thing about
Bob: “I heard that someone jumped off the Empire State Building with a parachute.” Joe: “____________! The security in that building is too tight for such a stunt.” A) I can't be bothered. B) Give me a break! C) That makes sense.
B) Give me a break!
Anne: "Andrew's late again." Sophie: "____________ - his wife just had a baby.": A) Let's talk about the elephant in the room. B) Cut him some slack. C) It was a blessing in disguise.
B) Cut him some slack.
Your sibling suggests going for a walk despite the bad weather, but you don’t feel like going out: A) Can I take a rain check? B) I call shotgun. C) I can't be bothered.
C) I can't be bothered.
Steve: "Sophie won't be happy with the new arrangements." Sylvia: "_________, to be honest.": A) C) It was a blessing in disguise. B) I couldn't care less. C) That's rich (coming from you)!
B) I couldn't care less.
Your friend wants to discuss a sensitive topic, and you agree to address it openly: A) Let's agree to disagree. B) Let's talk about the elephant in the room. C) It was a blessing in disguise.
B) Let's talk about the elephant in the room.
A friend invites you to go out to dinner, but you´re too busy so you answer: __________ A) I'll be the judge of that. B) Love you for that. C) Can I take a rain check?
C) Can I take a rain check?
Jill: I've called Miriam twice, but she doesn't answer her phone. Jane: Try again. ________: A) Hands down. B) I call shotgun. C) Third time's the charm.
C) Third time's the charm
Your friend says, ‘I get so annoyed with Steve!’ You answer ‘__________. He drives me crazy.’ A) Tell me about it! B) I couldn't care less. C) I'm not so sure about that.
A) Tell me about it!
Your new colleague apologizes for a misunderstanding, and you reassure them: A) We got off on the wrong foot. B) Cut him some slack. C) A penny for your thoughts.
A) We got off on the wrong foot.
You want to sit in the front seat of the car, so you say: A) I call shotgun! B) Let's talk about the elephant in the room. C) It was a blessing in disguise.
A) I call shotgun!
Your colleague disagrees with your opinion, and you respond: A) Third time's the charm. B) Let's agree to disagree. C) Can I take a rain check?
B) Let's agree to disagree.
Your friend is taking too long to get to the point, and you suggest: A) Cut to the chase. B) Let's call it a day. C) Love you for that.
A) Cut to the chase.
When saying goodbye to a friend, you wish them: A) Take care. B) I don't know the first thing about goodbyes. C) I'll be the judge of that.
A) Take care.
Your co-worker is stressing over a minor mistake, and you advise them: A) Love you for that. B) Get over it! C) I'm not so sure about that.
B) Get over it!
Your messy flat mate complains about the disorder you left in the living room, and you reply: A) That's rich (coming from you)! B) That explains it. C) Take care.
A) That's rich (coming from you)!
Your sibling is trying to fix a broken vase, and you offer some helpful advice. They respond: A) Tell me about it! B) I was wondering if you could help me… C) Hands down.
B) I was wondering if you could help me…
Your colleague is always late for meetings, and when asked about it, they respond: A) Hey, it happens. B) That explains it. C) Do you happen to know where the meeting is?
A) Hey, it happens
When your friend accidentally spills coffee on your new shirt, you say: A) A penny for your thoughts. B) It is what it is. C) That makes sense.
B) It is what it is.