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Defining Relative Clauses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fruit is a sweet snack. It is also healthy.
Fruit is a sweet snack which / that is also healthy.
The children won't eat the paella. It has shellfish in it.
The children won't eat paella that / which has got shellfish in it.
Kate cooks special meals on holidays. Her family visits then.
Kate cooks special meals on holidays when her family visits.
This hotel has got a restaurant. The food is always appetising.
This hotel has got a restaurant where the food is always appetising.
She buys fresh fruit from a man. He grows it on his farm.
She buys fresh fruit from a man who grows it on his farm.
I've got a cousin. She likes sweet dishes more than savoury dishes.
I've got a cousin who likes sweet dishes more than savoury dishes.
Mapo tofu is a spicy Chinese dish. It is made with tofu, ground beef or pork, a spicy sauce and soy sauce.
Mapo tofu is a spicy Chinese dish which / that is made with tofu, ground beef or pork, a spicy sauce and soy sauce.
Gordon Ramsey is a famous chef. His daughter has her own cookery show.
Gordon Ramsey is a famous chef whose daughter has her own cookery show.
The restaurant needed help one afternoon. The chef didn't come to work.
The restaurant needed help one afternoon when the chef didn't come to work.
People eat spicy curry with rice. The rice is fried.
People eat curry with rice which / that is fried.
Gordon Ramsey is the chef
who or whose
Apple pie is a typical American dish
which or that
My mother is a great chef
who or whose
Grilled lamb is a main course
which or that
Spain is a country
Beef is a type of meat
that or which
Anthony Bourdain is a chef
who or whose
There’s the chef
who or whose
Paella is a rice dish
that or which
India is a country
Sushi is Japanese food
which or that....