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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Should you practice listening by reading the script at the same time as listening?
Yes. This will help you get a sense of how questions are spaced out, as well as learning some useful common expressions that are frequently used.
Should you try to predict what the speaker will say? Especially in part four and note completion tasks.
If two people are making plans for a dinner date, what is the important information?
Date and time of the dinner
Time they woke up
Their Mum's birthday
How they will get there.
Should you make notes in complete sentences?
No. You don't have time.
Should you focus on what or how the speaker says something for the answer?
What the speaker says.
Is a date (1900) One number or four?
Hyphenated words such as 'part-time' count as one word or two?
One word.
When asked to complete a sentence using no more than two words, which is correct: "leather coat" or "a coat made of leather"?
Leather coat. You may have to change what you hear on the test to fit the word limit.
Multiple-choice answers will ask for what?
A letter (a, b, c, d)
Your money or your life
A number (1, 2, 3, 4)
Your hand in marriage
What should you do when you transfer your answers to the answer sheet?
Take care
Be careless
Do it quickly
When listening to two people making plans, should you be prepared for answers that might not be correct?
Yes. People change their minds about a plan in real life.
Answers appear in the order they are heard in the audio. Yes or no?
Yes. They come quickly or with large gaps between them.
Is a singular answer incorrect if the question requires a plural answer?
Yes - Watch out for plurals in answers
Should you attempt all questions?
Yes. You do not lose points for wrong guesses and your guesses might be right.