Edit Game
AS2 Units 1-3 Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pandas are from ...
A family of wolves is calles a
Whose headphonese are these? (Tom)
They are Tom's
Whose trousers are these? (Anna)
They are Anna's
Whose watch is this? (Adam)
It's Adam's
What's this?
It's a bridge
They have got a crab. It's ___ crab.
It's THEIR crab
She has got a phone. ___ is big.
HER phone is big
We like these cats. They are ____ cats
They are OUR cats
I have a computer. This is ___ computer
This is MY computer
What can we do in the kitchen?
We can cook
What day goes AFTER Tuesday?
What day goes AFTER Monday?
What day goes BEFORE Sunday?
What day goes BEFORE Friday?
Where is the elephant?
The elephant is IN FRONT OF the chair
Where is the bear?
The bear is BETWEEN the boxes
Where is the man?
He is BEHIND the block
Where is the cat?
The cat is UNDER the table
How do we call wolf's baby?
What is it?
It's a fig
What number is it?
What number is it?
one hundred
What number is it?
What number is it?
What number is it?
What number is it?
What number is it?
Name 5 countries
Russia, China, Australia, India, Egypt
Name 6 wild animals
Camel, kangaroo, bear, crocodile, panda, wolf
grandma / Friday / don't / on / visit / we
We don't visit grandma on Friday
Wednesday / gymnastics / on / do / they / don't
They don't do gymnastics on Wednesday
India / any camels / in/ there / are ?
Are there any camels in India?
Australia / any wolves / in / there / aren't
There aren't any wolves in Australia
bears in / sun / are / there / China / some
There are some sun bears in China
They ___ a music lesson on Wednesday
We ______ to school every day
I ____ gymnastics on Mondays
I can listen to music on the
I can watch a movion on
What's these?
They are glasses
What's this?
It's a phone
What's this?
It's a camers