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Historical Fact vs Fiction

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Mexico City was once on a lake that has now dried up, true or false?
Mexico is the birthplace of Chocolate?
What was the sacred drink of the Aztec empire?
Pulque, wine made from the agave plant (the same plant that is used for tequila)
What popular food was discovered in Mexico and spread to the rest of the world?
What did Cortez do to make sure no one in his entourage could change their minds about invading Mexico?
He scuttled/sank his ships
What was the famous ruler of Tenochtitlán/Mexico City when the Spanish arrived in 1519?
Moctezuma II often called Montezuma
Who brought the humble potato from South America to Ireland?
Sir Walter Raleigh
Cortes is remembered in South America as a mild mannered peace loving Spaniard-True or False
Was the lost city of Z in Mexico?
No it was in Brazil.